Dabble Trending Tipsters Rising Star - Handsaw
App9 May 2023

Rising Star - Handsaw

Another week, another Rising Star with Dabble. We feel like a fourth-grade teacher giving away gold stars when a student does a good job on their work. This week the gold star goes to Handsaw. They are our Rising Star because of their dedication and hard work during Magic Round in the NRL.

They put in all the hard work and came up trumps with three great multis. On Handsaw's profile, they say they're a rugby league tragic. But there is nothing tragic about the multis that just went bang. They are so poppin’ that we wanted to share them with you (and create a little FOMO – two birds, one stone).

The piece de resistance was Handsaw's eight-leg multi on every game of Magic Round. And boy the magic was bought to the party, for sure. We're not just talking about match winners here. No, no, Handsaw is much better and more sophisticated than that.

In this magic multi for Magic Round, there were handicaps AND match winner bets. And it all pinned on the final leg, which was perceived to be the most difficult of all, when Handsaw tipped the upset of the Gold Coast Titans defeating the Parramatta Eels. But in the end, all the Queensland teams won in Magic Round, funny that.

So, that eight-leg multi, how much was it paying? A sizzling $207.55, that's how much. You could buy a lot of magic for that, or a lot of handsaws – it depends on what you're into. We don't judge, your money is your money to spend as you desire – just don't buy anything creepy, okay?

Now would be a good time to end story time, but we've been told to write at least 500 words, and also that eight-leg multi is not all that the great Handsaw has done over the past couple of days! There's still two more multis to talk about. We don't throw around the term “Rising Star” for no reason...

He placed two other multis on Magic Round, both on the final game of the round – Titans vs Eels. This was when Handsaw was just one leg off hitting the eight-leg multi, so they must have been feeling it and gone for even more glory, which certainly ended up paying off.

The other two multis were paying over $30, so we will give you a tissue, but that is nothing to sneeze at! The multis were a little bit more adventurous than the first one. Handsaw wanted to change it up and include anytime try scorers and total points.

It was truly a great day for Handsaw, but unfortunately that's it, because no one copied the multis. Which is just a crime against humanity, if you ask us. Don't let this one slip away, we all know what happened with our Rising Star last week, Ronaldoz, who then went on to hit an $801.68.

If something like this happens again with Handsaw, and you don't get on it. We will be sad, you will be sad, your Mum will also probably be sad as well. Everyone will be sad, and it will be really hard to recover from that. So just follow Handsaw, okay? You don't want to be sad, now do you?