Dabble Trending Tipsters Rising Star - Ronaldoz
App1 May 2023

Rising Star - Ronaldoz

So, what does it take to be a Rising Star with Dabble? Well, the criteria isn't black and white, but one thing is for sure, if you want to be featured – just do whatever Ronaldoz does. That's a sure-fire way to get featured. Or if you just simply copy Ronaldoz's bets, you won't be featured on the website, but you will have a huge chunk of change in your account. So, it's a win-win, you can't lose!

Ronaldoz has been on fire lately, not literally, that would be unsafe, but we are still going to have a fire extinguisher handy, just in case. Safety first people, safety first. Ronaldoz has been producing the goods left, right and center, it's crazy how many multis they've landed in such a short period of time.

We are actually surprised that this true genius only has three followers at the moment. Whatttt?! No, Michael, no, no, that was so not right. So, while Mercedes and Hamilton fans continue to lick their wounds about something that cannot be changed, why don't the rest of us actually do something for the better and give the great Ronaldoz a follow. We're sure you won't regret it.

Is there anything the great Ronaldoz can't do? We'll wait. No sport is off limits, no bet is too crazy. Lately Ronaldoz has hit multis on the MLB, AFL and NRL. BRB, we are just checking there's still no fires burning ATM, k THX.

The biggest multi Ronaldoz has hit recently was a $201 one on the NRL – specifically the game between the Sharks and Cowboys. Remember that one? Well, if you are a Cowboys fan, you've probably already tried to erase that from your memory. But if you're a fan of money, you've got to listen up! Ronaldoz's multi was all about them try scorers, and we all know how high scoring that game was.

Ronaldoz also hit a $8.66 three-leg multi on the MLB, which was all about them handicaps. Another multi was hit, joining the AFL and NRL together, which had two legs, and all about them margins. There was another three-leg multi, on the MLB again, which included match winners and a handicap. Get the picture now?

Ronaldoz deserves a crown – we should be setting up as big of an event as the coronation as King Charles this weekend, and there should be just as much TV coverage. We need to get all the Dabblers marching in unison, in support. And for the love of God, will someone get Ronaldoz that golden horse-drawn coach...it's the least we can do.