Dabbles Trending Tipster Rising Star - ScottieH76
App27 Sep 2023

Rising Star - ScottieH76

Spotted: Upper East Side’s newest Rising Star has graced the Dabble scene. And, boy oh boy, the tea is impeccable. This is the hottest spot to spill the tea on the crème de la crème here on Dabble. Grab a martini, summon your bestie, and dial in because, believe us, this is the one that you do not want to miss out on.

If we were living in a real-life Gossip Girl episode, you know that the mysterious figure behind the internet Gossip Mavern would keep you hanging, but fear not, for Dabble spills all of the tea (because, well, we can’t help ourselves). So, without a further ado, let’s jump straight in!

ScottieH76 is the buzz of the Dabble Upper East Side – their name is on everyone’s lips, including Dabble. Now, you’re probably dying to know what on Earth ScottieH76 did to land on our prestigious Dabble Trending Tipster’s page.

ScottieH76’s rise to Dabble stardom was nothing short of spectacular and that is why they are this weeks Rising Star 🌟. Picture this: a jaw dropping 25-leg multi, a true spectacle that left us all IRL awe. Oh, the suspense! Each leg was a carefully chosen puzzle piece, perfectly fitting into this betting masterpiece. We could attempt to unravel and list all the legs here, but angels, you are better off diving into the Dabble app and witnessing the magic for yourself.

And now, let's talk numbers – because we know you love your numbers as much as we do. Brace yourselves: the odds for this extraordinary 25-leg multi were absolutely mind-boggling, hitting a sensational $1357.07. Yes, you read that right! These odds are the epitome of betting brilliance, worthy of any Gossip Girl plot twist.

But this was not just a multi; it was a statement, a declaration that ScottieH76 had arrived. The skill and strategy in crafting such an ambitious multi deserve a round of applause. Bravo, ScottieH76! 🥂

So, dear Upper East Side Dabblers, mark this name – ScottieH76. If you thrive on drama and live for the excitement, this rising star is someone you don't want to miss. Head over to the Dabble app, hit that follow button, and let the betting games begin. Trust us, this is one Dabble drama you want a front-row seat to.

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