Dabbles Trending Tipster Rising Star - MAMMA2023
App20 Oct 2023

Rising Star - MAMMA2023

MAMMA2023 shines as this week's Dabble Rising Star 🌟. We really wish we had a purple star emoji because we are all about that brandling life, for real.

We have had a serious case of Rising Star withdrawals so we are super keen to be back and better than ever. Our last Rising Star article dates back to the 21st of September – woah, that is way too long, and this article is well overdue. But let us assure you, it is going to be well worth the wait.

MAMMA2023 has well and surely had a crack on Dabble, and they have done a darn’ good job at it. With a following of 282 awesome Dabblers, you can be sure this article had nothing to do with those numbers. It is all thanks to their sizzling multis – which must we add are hotter than a Christmas day barbeque!

There is one multi in particular that literally had our jaws hitting the floor – it was that good, it made a military mission look like a cakewalk. Care to take a guess at what you think the odds might be? $100? ❌ Try multiplying that by 9! Yep, you heard it here first – we are talking a whopping $960.00. And it won! 🤩

A 3-leg multi with odds just a smidge below the height of the Eureka Skydeck (974 ft, for reference). That is some superstar stuff! And this is precisely why we love Spring Carnival time. The multi was set at the Caulfield race track, backing 8. Maktoob – Race 1, 9. Sheva – Race 2, and 4. Military Mission – Race 3.

But, that was not all that MAMMA2023 did to snag the coveted Rising Star title. They also put together another 2-leg multi, this time at none other than Eagle Star, with odds of $47.50.

That adds up to a grand total of $1007.50 in winnings for MAMMA2023. If you hop on over to the [Dabble app](Dabble App) and check out their profile, you will find some hot multis that you can explore – and maybe, if you are feeling a bit cheeky, even copy. 🔥

And that is a wrap for yet another stellar edition of our Rising Star segment! If you enjoyed it stay tuned and make sure to check back next week to see what is new in Dabbletown. And if you are not part of the coolest social betting experience yet, then what are you waiting for? Here is a link so that you can experience the difference.