Dabble Trending Tipsters Rising Star - HazMT
App31 May 2023

Rising Star - HazMT

In today’s Dabble news, we are shining the spotlight on a Rising Star who has been smashing the odds, conquering the French Open, and making us all question our career choices (just kidding, we’re not that extreme). Without further ado, let us introduce our Dabble superstar, the one and only, HazMT.

Before we dive into the details of HazMT’s meteoric rise to fame and stardom, let’s get right into the heart of the action. You might wanna get your hazmat suit out because when we say these multi’s went bang, we are talking total explosion. We have not one, but two epic multi’s that skyrocketed into another realm during the French Open.

First up, we have a 22-leg multi that boasted crazy odds of $292.53. Safety precautions are definitely in order for this one! It’s kinda like watching a tennis match where every serve is an ace (and trust us, that’s a rarity).

Through pure relentlessness HazMT came oh-so-close to achieving another multi but missed out by one leg. Come on, universe, give HazMT a break! Oh, we totally forgot to mention the odds (we mean does it even matter now?) - a heart-wrenching $310.72...We are not crying, you are. “Alexa, queue the sad boy hours playlist”.

But you know what they say, when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up, right? And it's not like their rock bottom was even that low, remember that $292.53 winning mega multi that we just talked about?

But HazMT wasn't going to rest on his laurels, no way. They did something even more amazing, which would also account for their biggest winning multi of all time! Brace yourself for a 24-leg multi that made absolute waves on the Banter channels and comment section. The return on this bad boy? A massive $588.52. We literally could not believe our eyes....

It’s kinda like HazMT tapped into the powers of “Stranger Things” and entered the upside down of multi’s, defying the laws of probability all together.

It is only a matter of time before HazMT hits a jackpot once again, sparing us the need to queue up that sad boy hours playlist again. Instead, queuing “Boyz-n-the-Hood" or “Girls in the Hood” – whichever tickles your fancy really. HazMT is made of all the good stuff that legends are made of – the kind of epic tale that will be passed down from generation to generation.

With HazMT’s determination and uncanny ability to turn the odds in their favour, they have become a force to be reckoned with. With that being said, keep your eyes peeled, because we expect to see some great things from this Rising Star.