Dabble Trending Tipsters Multi Moment - stirls
App22 Aug 2023

Multi Moment - stirls

Boys and gyals, stop everything that you are doing! We have a very important PSA to make that is sure to have you doing a victory dance. Seriously, this is not a drill! August has been serving up Dabble Multi Moments like never before, and we are gearing up for the grand entrance of our all-time favourite season – spring! 💃

As the weather starts giving winter the boot, flowers bloom with newfound vigour, and the racing carnival season revs it’s engines, and we can’t help but do a happy jig. But wait, there’s more – introducing the latest addition to our Dabble Hall of Fame – stirls 🥳.

Stirls you are the star of our show and the newest member of the elite Dabble Trending Tipster crew, so let the confetti fly and the trumpets sound! We’ve got to give credit where credit is due, and after witnessing you recent multi that just went BANG, we are in awe (we could hear the angels singing).

Let’s spread some Dabble love while we are her. Jump on over to the Dabble app and give stirls a virtual high-five, or maybe even a celebratory dance emoji – we are sure they would appreciate the camaraderie. Oh, and while you’re there, did you hear the news? We just launched our new ESports market!

Alright, that is enough ramble, stirls, it is time for you to take centre-stage and embrace your moment of glory. Kind of like Troy Bolton, when he passed the ball to Rocket Man to shoot the winning basket. You are the main character in this narrative, and we are absolutely sliving for it. So, what exactly did stirls do to reveal in their very own article?

Well, that tea we can spill ☕. Stirls landed a 4-leg multi, boasting odds of a staggering $91.91 - talk about seeing double 👀. Not only that, but stirls multi also covered 4 different races at the none other than the Maryborough track. Go stirls!

Now, not to be a Debbie Downer and get all sad boi hours on you, but this bangin’ multi received 0 copies, or 0 comments. Which is such a shame, kind of giving us a twinge of FOMO, if we have to be completely honest with you.

But, hey, there is always next time right? If you want to get in on all the action – and yes, there is plenty. Then you should probably hit this sign-up link and have a Dabble. Go on, we know you want to. You might just fall crazy in love... yep, that’s right, we are just as iconic as Beyonce’.

When we say we are different, we actually mean it! 🤝

It’s now or never x