Dabble Trending Tipsters Multi Moment - Lzdbets
App21 Jun 2023

Multi Moment - Lzdbets

Boys and gyals, stop everything that you are doing, we have a PSA to make, this is massive! Brace yourself because we have officially smashed the record of the most Multi Moments in one week in Dabble history 👀. We think it is time for a celebration... because our Dabbler’s really do bring us so much pride and joy.

Now, it is time to unveil the latest recipient of the very prestigious Dabble Multi Moment award... drum roll please... Lzdbets! Cue the confetti and party hats 🎉🎉 We believe in showering our Trending Tipster’s with nothing but the best, so we strongly suggest that you hop on over to Dabble and give Lzdbet’s a follow right now! Okay, okay, we may be having a bit too much fun, but we can’t help but spread the love and excitement – it is a party after all! 🫶

Let’s jump into the stuff that you have all been waiting for – the multi that just went bang! Okay, well it starts with 4-legs, can you guess what we are talking about? That is right, an epic 4-leg racing multi that sent the angels down from heaven – literally. Odds were soaring high on this very day reaching heights of $111.68. It is kind of as if the angels themselves came down and blessed the Dabbleverse themself.

Oh, and speaking of angels, have you ever noticed how certain numbers bring a special touch of luck? At Dabble HQ, our favourite angel number is 777, symbolising abundance and good fortune. It is what we are manifesting for the second half of 2023 (a big slay if you ask us 😉).

Now you may be wondering what the mysterious acronym ‘lzd’ stands for? And if we have to be completely honest – we have no idea. Our detective instincts tell us it is an ode to the enigmatic lizard (but hey, we might be wrong) 🦎.

Yep, you were waiting for it weren’t you? The bittersweet twist in the tale of Lzdbet’s journey to fame. This epic multi only received 2 comments and ZERO copies from our fellow Dabblers (this seems to be a reoccurring theme lately 🤔). That doesn’t mean that we need to carry this energy into the future though. It is never too late to spread the appreciation and support it truly deserves.

Before we say our final goodbyes and part ways until next time, we have one last important PSA to make. Can you guess what it is going to be? Yep it is shameless plug time, we think we should just make this a non-negotiable part of our article structure, don’t you think?

Anyways, you can find the sign-up link here, you will thank us later!

Peace ✌️