Dabble Trending Tipster Multi Moment - Leon81
App22 Sep 2023

Multi Moment - Leon81

Leon81 is like our very own Hannah Montana, living that best of both worlds' life! 🌟

Sweet niblets, this Multi Moment is rocking like a party in the USA 🇺🇸. Well, not exactly in the USA, but it is definitely a blast for the EPL. If you are new here, welcome to our Trending Tipsters page, where we put our top Dabblers in the limelight. Psst, don’t spill the beans to Hannah Montana, though! 🤫

Picture this: Leon81 cooked up a BBQ-style multi, a true outback extravaganza. Just like a BBQ surprise, it has got a delightful variety. How many legs, you ask? Not 4, not 5, not 6, but a whopping 8! Now, that is something that you just don’t see everyday, we think we might have our head in the clouds.

Nothing is ever out of reach – and Leon81 well and truly lived up to that philosophy! Taking home, a very sweet cash money prize of $152.96. We are just thinking about what we would be doing if we were Leon81... maybe we would find our way back to Tennessee?

Now, that we have got to thinking about it, you know what would make this multi even more spectacular? If this multi maybe received a special, click of that copy bet button. Here at Dabble we are all about rallying and getting behind our mates and sharing that winning feeling. We are feeling a twinge of FOMO just thinking about it! 🤔. Maybe even get your own limo out front?

To wrap up another epic Multi Moment article, a huge shoutout and a round of applause for Leon81! You really are a pop star in our eyes – we think you might even be able to give Hannah Montana a run for her money. 🤑

Oh, and while we have you are here why not check out Leon81’s Dabble profile? And, maybe you could press that big ol’ follow button and show them some good ol’ fashioned Dabble lovin’. 🫶

Life is a climb, but the view is great. So, why not sign-up to Dabble (if you haven’t already) and join in on the adventure. We promise it is pretty sunny on this side of the town. ☀️ You can jump into Banter Channels, sick Livestreams, copy Trending Tipsters bets, and even share you bets with your best mates. Now, that is what we call an ultimate Hoedown 💃