Dabble Trending Tipsters Multi Moment - Kobeobe09
App21 Jul 2023

Multi Moment - Kobeobe09

TGIF, and you know what that means – time to let our hair down and bust out some bad and bouj moves! We are only joking, we are extremely un-coordinated and our dance moves are totes #cringe. 💃

But wait, before you clock off and say goodbye to the working week, we have one last sweet, sweet Multi Moment straight outta the Dabble app that we have been so excited to share with y’all. Kobeobe09 unleashed some of their best dance moves with an epic multi that saw odds soaring into the stratosphere. Seriously, we are not joking. We are talking a jaw-dropping $339.32 win. 🤑

It is UFC season, baby – well actually the UFC doesn’t have a set season like other sports and that is why we love it so much! It doesn’t matter what time of year, there is always an epic showdown to look forward to. As die-hard fans, we understand why MMAGod on Dabble can’t get enough!

Back to Kobeobe09, our multi-master. Their 13 leg multi win has left us in awe. Let's face it; most of us play it safe with our bets, opting for a few legs at most (we know we do, because we are scared cats). Kobeobe09, however, took the road less travelled, and boy, oh boy, did it pay off! Which reminded us that bravery on and off the court, can lead to substantial victories – so thank you, Kobeobe09.

Kobeobe09 has danced through Dabble as a fierce competitor, demonstrating their tenacity and determination to win. A 13-leg multi is something that is not for the weak, let us tell you that. Even we don’t stray too far towards those big numbers.

But, this did not scare away the fearless Kobeobe09. And, what a success it was. Sometimes, you just have to risk it for the biscuit. Well, that is what they say right? And Kobeobe09 received a very tasty, biscuit that is for sure. Tim Tams? We surely hope so, because Tim Tam’s are bomb and an Aussie classic. 👌

Kobeobe09’s legacy has only just begun, and we are so excited to see what is the next fiyaaa moves that Kobeobe09 will bust out on the Dabble Dancefloor. Now, if you will excuse us, we have got to practice our dance moves, our hips don’t lie, baby (or do they?).

If you aren’t aready a part of the world’s best social betting platform? Then where you at? No, seriously... where you at? Here is the handy, dandy link so you can join in on all the fun and maybe copy a bet or two? Kobeobe09 would be eternally grateful.

Lots of love, your favourite – Dabble x