Dabble Trending Tipsters Multi Moment - ExoLines
App1 May 2023

Multi Moment - ExoLines

Well, hello there, fancy meeting you again! We know why you're back, to get your dose of FOMO, of course. Dabble is all about that FOMO, we eat FOMO for breakfast, and it's got just as much nutritional value as good ole Weet-Bix. FOMO comes in all different shapes and sizes, we've got Barbeque, Pizza and Chicken.

So, what shape does the FOMO come in today? Well, it's in the shape of Dabbler ExoLines. We know, we know, a line is probably the most boring shape of all...buuuuut we can assure you, their multi was the least boring thing on the planet. It's like the complete opposite of being stuck in traffic, and your AUX cord isn't working.

The multi ExoLines landed was epic, like your own personal fireworks going off just for you. It was a humble two leg multi. But no, we don't have to sit down, or be humble, because the odds – just like Kendrick Lamar – were off the charts.

For a two-leg thoroughbred multi, what would you expect the odds to be? Well, honestly, it could be anything – so we'll just tell you. The odds were $266. Not bad, not bad. Both legs were win bets on races at Rosehill.

Leg 1 was on runner Cruel Summer, but there was nothing cruel about the odds – a tasty $19, that's hot. Jockey Regan Bayliss produced the goods for ExoLines with what was a fairly easy victory. Cruel Summer was leading by the 400m mark and never looked back.

That leg 1 victory was at 1.05pm on Saturday, and we had to wait until 3.35pm to see if ExoLines could pull off the unthinkable and land a two-leg multi with the biggest odds ever (have we fact checked that stat, no, but it sounds cool, right!).

Leg 2 was up, and now we were looking for Healing Oasis (at $14) to go bang and set up some absolute scenes, so we can feel all the feels. The race wasn't as easy of a watch as the first leg, with Healing Oasis winning by just 0.32. But a win is a win, and if you're not first, you're last.

It seems simple now, but we all know just how much work ExoLines would have put into finding these two roughies, and the courage to multi those two bad boys together. Man, that's a lot of courage, ExoLines is no Lion from The Wizard of Oz, that's for sure! And it seems as though fortune did indeed favour the brave for this multi.

So, now the article is coming to an end. And you have that empty pit in your stomach, because you don't know what else to do with your life. It's okay, no need to despair, there's always another multi to be had, and now that we've brought ExoLines to your attention, you can follow them on the app. Look at us being all nice and helping you.

Yay! Now you won't miss a beat the next time they place a bet. And suddenly all your despairs turn into elation...glad to be of service! Until next time, hugs and kisses xoxoxo.