Dabble Trending Tipsters Multi Moment - crane
App28 Mar 2023

Multi Moment - crane

It’s timeeeeee! It’s that special time of year, no – it's not Christmas. It’s the time when we shine the light on one of our amazing Dabblers who just hit a tasty multi. Now, there are simply so many to choose from, with our Dabblers going bang on the regular, but for the purpose of this article, we are talkin’ about crane.

No, not a crane like the bird or the machinery – crane the Dabbler! Why is this article dedicated to them? Well, we will tell you why...

If you like the NHL and living close to the edge, then this multi is for you. Picture this. It’s a Monday morning, you’re back at work for the week. Things are looking bleak. But alas, you find an NHL multi that is so crazy it just might work.

Crane has come up with the goods – a three leg NHL multi to get you excited about Monday. And what’s even better? It actually hit, so your excitement levels are through the roof and an extra special happy dance is in order!

There were three NHL games that had our attention on Monday – Toronto Maples Leafs against Nashville Predators, Vancouver Canucks against Chicago Blackhawks and St Louis Blues against Los Angeles Kings.

Crane’s three leg multi included the Toronto Maples Leafs to win by one (at odds of $6.50), the Vancouver Canucks to win by two (at odds of $7.00) and the Los Angeles Kings to win by one (at odds of $6.50). Talk about living on the edge! Buuuuut in the end (as we all now know) it certainly paid off.

In total crane’s multi hit for an eye-watering $295.75! I’m shocked Cotton. This is just the tip of the ice burg with crane, and if you are looking for some more juicy multis to get in on, then you’ve really got no other choice then to head to their profile and give them a follow.

Following is important because you won’t miss a bet they place, making it easy to “Copy Bet”, and you can turn your Monday blues into Monday greens!