Dabble Trending Tipsters Multi Moment - Bet4fun
App1 Aug 2023

Multi Moment - Bet4fun

Guess what? Dabble just got a makeover! But hold up, no need to panic – we haven’t changed anything you love about us. All your favourite social betting features are intact, but we did get Dabble’s makeup a cute lil’ refresh. 💅

You might have noticed the change when you saw our snazzy new banner. Yep, we turned 2 last week (check out all the action here), so it felt right to spruce up our colour palette – and we’re totally living for it! As they say, “The only constant in life is change.”

But hey, let’s not get all deep and sad boi hours on you – let's talk about something exciting! Bet4fun dropped a Multi Moment on Dabble last week that went absolutely BANG! 💥 Yeah, we think the term “BANG” fits perfectly, don’t you agree?

Bet4fun has been punting for 25+ years (what a veteran) and is self-proclaimed for getting knocked out by just one leg of a bet... can’t we all relate to that one 🤦. We did a little investigating, and we can agree that this is true! But we give credit where it’s due – Bet4fun is making waves with this multi and other bets, even if they don’t always align with their predictions.

The multi went a little bit like this... 6-leg multi on the horses, spread across 6 different races, with odds that shot well over $100, landing at a huge $144.56. Which is a darn well good effort, if you ask us – yeehaw! 🤠

Oh, and here’s something else worth mentioning - this multi received 5 copies 🤑. But no worries if you didn’t copy this bet, you are still KENough 🫶. No, but seriously, we have ‘I’m Just Ken’ by Ryan Gosling on repeat – shh, don’t tell Barbie.

You know we love showing off our Trending Tipsters on the Dabble app, and Bet4fun has loads of fun tings to check out on their profile. Run, don’t walk, over to Bet4fun’s profile and press that big ol’ follow button, or drop a 🔥 emoji to show some love.

And that is a wrap! Thanks for joining us on the celebration of Bet4fun, we truly did have a fun time writing this article and hope you enjoy it just as much as we did writing it.

🚨 Shameless plug time 🚨

It is the moment you’ve been waiting for – this is your sign to sign up to Australia’s best social betting app (if you haven’t already). We know you want to, so what are you waiting for?

Until next time, and remember - “Thats life. It’s all change” 💋