Dabble Trending Tipsters Multi Moment - Artcey
App18 Apr 2023

Multi Moment - Artcey

We all know that multis can come in all different shapes and sizes. But, generally speaking, the more legs in a multi, the bigger the pay-out, but it does depend on what you are betting on! You may think a multi of just place bets wouldn’t pay much, but it does when you add eight of them together, we’re talking daddy long legs here!

That’s exactly what the great Artcey did over the weekend to score something simply unbelievable. The great Artcey put on an eight leg multi on the dogs all at The Gardens. Things kicked off at 8.30pm with runner Showman Jack, and ended with a massive whoop, whoop at 10.58pm with runner Double Polka.

So, what was this massive multi paying, for eight legs, all place bets? Wellllll, it was paying $447.78. Yep, you read that right, $447.78, no need to go to Specsavers! The only thing sad about this multi is that no one copied it and was able to join in on the fun.

We are so proud of Artcey and their accomplishments, we wanted to give them this imaginary trophy (and also dedicate this article to them). Now you know all about Artcey and what they are capable of.

But it doesn’t stop there – head to their profile on Dabble and you’ll see all their latest highlights, and boy there are a lot. So, we know you are probably sad to didn’t get on any of the previous bets that just went bang, but we are giving you the information so you can follow them and you won’t miss a single bet from now on.

Ignore our advice at your own peril...don’t come crying to us when you miss out on yet another magical multi moment from Artcery. Our work here is done!