Heating Up With Same Race Multis - Tdavid
App18 Sep 2023

Heating Up - Tdavid

This one is an absolute banger, ready to make you shout “BANG” from the rooftops! 💥

If you are new in town, “BANG” is our magic word when a cracker multi pulls through, or pops off – whichever floats your boat! And let us tell you, this same race multi had us at hello. You all would be familiar with the famous saying, “you win some, you lose some” - well, we couldn’t agree anymore and so does Tdavid. But hey, if you don’t play the game how can you win?

And our hero today is none other than Tdavid! They played their cards right 🃏 and set the Dabble world ablaze. We are just too punny! Well, we just can’t resist – especially when they match our article title. Vibes on vibes, baby.

Tdavid had that same race multi on lock – yes, same race multis are live and kickin’ on the Dabble app! How dope is that? Dabble is truly an all-round superstar. If you haven’t already, scoot over to the App or Play Store, hit that download button, and unlock a world of cool features.

Alright, enough fluff for one day! Let’s dive into what Tdavid cooked up to earn that starring role in this article. The multi had just 2 legs – we know, we usually talk about multis with more legs than a centipede, but as they say “good things come in small packages.”

This pint-sized powerhouse definitely brought home the bacon, my friend. Now, can you guess the return on this small but might multi? Drumroll, please... it’s a whopping $360.00! 🤑 Yep, you read the right – cha-ching! We can sense that Tdavid is living their best life right now. Because honestly, we would be too!

Oh, and speaking of blazing trails, Dabble’s got some major fire lined up for all of you NRL fans next weekend. Want the lowdown? Click right here – all the juice deets on what Dabble has got cooking! You know that Dabble finely curates the best experiences for our Dabblers and this is one that you just won’t want to miss out on! 👌

PSA: Are you a full-fledged Dabbler yet? Is your answer, no? Well, it is high time you joined the ranks of the best social betting app in the world (yeah, we said it, big claims and all). Just click this link and voila, you will be cruising into the ultimate social betting experience!