Heating Up With Same Race Multis - FreeRacingTips
App27 Jul 2023

Heating Up - FreeRacingTips

FreeRacingTips are on fire, okay not literally, we only speak figuratively in this ripe day and age of 2023.

In this vibrant era where Barbie reigns as a modern-day icon and the colour pink has practically taken over the world (seriously, it is everywhere!) and we can’t help but fall in love with the pink domination. And, hey, speaking of pink, we’ve got a little surprise coming soon related to the colour, so stay tuned. 💕

Back to FreeRacingTips, came in very hot and heavy with not one, not two, but three epic racing bets. One being a same race multi – which if y’all don’t know yet is our hottest and newest Dabble feature.

We can all relate to that feeling when one of our bets or multis – whatever floats your boat, pulls through, now, multiple that excitement by 3. That is the kind of thrill FreeRacingTips delivered with these epic bets, and lets be real for a sec – who wouldn’t want a little extra spice in their life?

Speaking of spice, we know that you are probably super curious about the big fuss – and we have got all the juicy Dabble tea ready to spill.

Let’s start with the same race multi because that is one of our faves – the odds were ever in FreeRacingTips favour with a banging return of $60.00, in Scone, Race 8. The second looking very pretty in pink with a hot return of $18.00, in none other than Ipswich, Race 6. Lastly, but certainly not least another tickle-me-pink moment with a very cute $6.00 return at Sandown, Race 5. 🐎

So, if you’re looking for some free racing tips, we think it’s fair to say that you know where to go. All you need to do is search “FreeRacingTips” in the search bar and hit that big ol’ follow button. Come on, we know you want to. While you’re there you might want to give some of our other Big Name Dabblers or Trending Tipsters a follow and live your best life.

Oh, and by the way, did you know that it is Dabble’s 2nd birthday in T- 15 hours! 🎂 We love any excuse to throw a party, and birthdays are a big deal to us. There will be some pretty sweet things happening in-app tomorrow, so if you haven’t already – sign up here. You wouldn't wanna miss out on all the fun.

Until next time keep slaying those same race multis, and we know for a fact that there is some very exciting stuff hitting the Dabbleverse, so stay tuned.