Live Streams Promotions
App3 Mar 2023

Live Streams Promotions - Saturday Racing, March 4, 2023

Ah Saturday, some say the best day of the week. And why? It’s not because you’ve got two full days before you have to go back to work. It’s the day for racing. Yep, that’s right! There are so many race cards each and every Saturday across all three codes, there’s pretty much 12 hours of entertainment. Is there anything better than that? We’ll take your silence as a resounding “no”!

Well actually, things could get better but only if you’re a Dabbler, because our Live Streams each Saturday make watching racing even more fun. It’s like the cherry on top of an already really, really delicious cake. So, if you like having fun and a laugh, then the Saturday racing stream is your one true love. And we promise we are better at matchmaking than the MAFS “experts”.

Not only do you get to spend a couple of hours watching the races with your favourite Dabble friends, like Josh Jeans and Heath Shaw (yes, we just name dropped – deal with it), but you can also see what other Dabblers are getting on and get on it yourself. So we can all ride that thing home together.

Excuse us while we sound like an infomercial – but wait, there’s more. There’s another reason you should always tune into the Saturday racing stream – special promotions will be on offer! Now, these promos are so secretive and exclusive that we can’t even talk about it here.

So, if you want to see what’s on offer (and we know you do) then you’ll just have to jump on board and watch the Live Stream this Saturday. Who knows what the promotions will be on, or how many we will offer? Well, we do – but we aren’t going to tell you!

You’ll just have to watch the Live Stream, and we can guarantee you that it will be more interesting than reading this article. I mean, we try to make things as interesting as possible in this article, but we are no Heath Shaw, that’s for sure...