Dabble Live Streams – What’s on This Week
App4 Sep 2023

Dabble Live Streams – What’s on This Week September 4, 2023

Welcome one and all! Dabble’s Live Streams are a very important feature of our app, and mannn – there are a lot of things that go down. Anything can happen, we don’t call them Live Streams for nothing. Whether you know all about our Live Streams, or you’re a noob, this weekly article is for you.

We’ve got your guide to what’s on this week in the world of Live Streams. All the details you could ever need are here about each stream. And what’s even better? This is a weekly guide! Meaning we’ve totally got your back and will have your guide each and every week, so you’ll always know what’s happening.

So, without building the suspense for another single second, let’s see what’s on this week in the world of Live Streams:

Live Stream #1: JordyX3

What: Guess who's back? It's JordyX3 once again! We know, we know, you guys are super lucky to have JordyX3 gracing your screens for a third week in a row. How long will JordyX3 stick around for? No one knows, so make sure you don't miss a thing on Tuesday night, 7pm! It's going to be a rippa, that's for sure.

When: 7-8pm, Tuesday September 5, 2023

Who: JordyX3

Where: Banter channel

Why: Esports has been going gangbusters on Dabble since we launched it! If you're interested in learning more about the world of esports, JordyX3 is here to be your guide. JordyX3 goes through all the latest and greatest happenings in the world of esports. You better buckle up; it's going to be an interesting ride!

Live Stream #2: The Board Bettor

What: No, it's not Jake's Take...but it's something that will hopefully tickle your fancy just as much! While Jake is taking a break, we've got a whole new Live Stream for you to sink your teeth into. We have The Board Bettor taking over this week. The Board Bettor (or JC as we know him) used to be a professional punter, but now he is sharing his tips with the world (or with Dabblers at least!).

When: 7-8pm, Wednesday September 6, 2023

Who: JC and Matt Bowen

Where: Banter channel

Why: The Board Bettor's first Live Stream kicks off with a bang, thanks to the special guest star, Matt Bowen. In case you've been living under a rock and don't already know, its finals footy time, so it's never been more important to get all the best info on who to back in Week 1 of the finals – and Matt Bowen is here to provide his thoughts!

If you've never seen JC before, here's a little taste of what he is all about:

Live Stream #3: Josh Jeans & Friends

What: It's Thursday, and that means one thing, and one thing only. It's Josh Jeans & Friends night! Josh Jeans & Friends is all about showcasing our extraordinary community, in a way only Dabble knows how. We love seeing everyone's comments in the Banter channel, so keep them coming in this Thursday. And you never know, maybe the great Josh Jeans will read it out!

When: 7-8pm, Thursday September 7, 2023

Who: Josh Jeans and Xavier Ellis

Where: Banter channel

Why: Thursday is the first day of the AFL finals, so obviously we needed an ex-AFL star to run through all the matchups and provide their thoughts on every game in Week 1 of the finals. Welllll, we've found the perfect person to help us - it's Xavier Ellis. Let's get cracking, shall we!

Live Stream #4: Friday Knock-Offs

What: Friday Knock-Offs is back once again. Yes, that's right, it's Friday so that means it's Friday Knock-Offs time, obviously. There is so much to dissect in sport this weekend, and the team at Dabble will make sure you are as ready as possible, so you can go into the weekend with confidence!

When: 12-1pm, Friday September 8, 2023

Who: Josh Jeans and Tiffany Krylov

Where: Banter channel

Why: Josh Jeans is back again and we're super excited for Friday Knock-Offs, this week we've got a special treat, a brand spanking new guest is joining the Dabble fam. It's none other than TikTok star Tiffany Krylov. Tiffany loves Collingwood and the Cincinnati Bengals. There's heap more to know about Tiffany, but if you want more info, you'll have to tune into the stream!

Take a look at some of the shenanigans that went down last week:

Live Stream #5: Saturday Racing

What: And all too soon the week that was in Live Streams comes to an end. It's sad, we know. But the good news is there's another week to look forward to, and also this doozy of a two-hour Live Stream for you to view before we say goodbye. We are here to go through all the key races on Saturday, so make sure you've got your schedule cleared from 12pm!

When: 12-2pm, Saturday September 9, 2023

Who: The Cast Patrol

Where: Banter channel

Why: The Cast Patrol takes the reigns this week, on what is usually our most viewed Live Stream of the week. That's a lot of pressure, but we're sure The Cast Patrol can live up to the very high standard set by past hosts of Saturday Racing! If you love Saturday and racing, then there's nowhere else you need to be on Saturday from 12pm until 2pm.

So, there you have it peeps! All the details you could ever need on all the Live Streams happening this week. We know you don’t like waiting, so in the meantime, why don’t you head on over to our Banter channel to pass the time before the first Live Stream of the week kicks off.