Dabble Live Streams – What’s on This Week
App24 Jul 2023

Dabble Live Streams – What’s on This Week July 24, 2023

Welcome one and all! Dabble’s Live Streams are a very important feature of our app, and mannn – there are a lot of things that go down. Anything can happen, we don’t call them Live Streams for nothing. Whether you know all about our Live Streams, or you’re a noob, this weekly article is for you.

We’ve got your guide to what’s on this week in the world of Live Streams. All the details you could ever need are here about each stream. And what’s even better? This is a weekly guide! Meaning we’ve totally got your back and will have your guide each and every week, so you’ll always know what’s happening.

So, without building the suspense for another single second, let’s see what’s on this week in the world of Live Streams:

Live Stream #1: Jake’s Take

What: Just when you thought you couldn't go on, Jake's Take is here to save the day! This week is going to be epic with all our Live Streams, and like normal we thought we'd kick things off with Jake. If you are looking for a little pick me up, then Jake's energy is the thing for you!

When: 7-8pm, Wednesday July 26, 2023

Who: Jake Barker-Daish and Kat Sasso

Where: Banter channel

Why: We simply cannot contain our excitement – get the party poppers ready because this week Kat Sasso has decided to come back again. Yep, that's right, we're talking back-to-back weeks here people! We know everyone loved her last week – and with more Women's World Cup action to be discussed, we simply had no choice but to bring Kat back.

Have a look below at some of the shenanigans that went down last week:

Live Stream #2: Secret Stream

What: Shhhhhh...it's a secret (well not anymore - we've just let the cat out of the bag!). On Thursday, you will not see Josh Jeans & Friends, we're truly sorry about that. But to make up for it - we've got the next best thing, a Secret Stream. Ohhhhhh how exciting! We can't give you all the juicy details, you'll just have to tune in on Thursday.

When: 7-8pm, Thursday July 27, 2023

Who: Henry and Stevo

Where: Banter channel

Why: Why should you tune into this Live Stream, we hear you ask? Well, don't you like being a part of something and being in the loop? Of course you do! Also, we have Henry and Stevo from Dabble giving it their all to impress you – but make sure they don't impress you too much – we still want Josh to come back, right?

Live Stream #3: Dabble Day

What: Hip, hip hooray, it's Dabble's birthday! It's the most wonderful day of the year. Yep, that's right. It's better than Christmas, better than the Easter long weekend, better than all the other days of the year. On Dabble Day you get to see not only all your favourite Big Name Dabblers, but also some of our lovely Dabble employees – from all around Australia.

When: 12-4pm, Friday July 28, 2023

Who: Dane Swan, Peter Hooley, Heath Shaw, Tommy "Poppins" Hughes and the Dabble Crew

Where: Banter channel

Why: It's a mammoth day, so make sure you stay hydrated and get ready for a four, yes four, hour stream with everyone who's anyone at Dabble. There's going to be heaps of exciting things going down. Things we aren't even allowed to talk about yet, except we can tell you there will be cake. Not for you though, the cake is for us - it's our birthday - we're going to have our cake and eat it too.

Live Stream #4: Saturday Racing

What: After Dabble Day, are we sure we need another Live Stream? We've already accomplished everything we could possibly do. Buuuuut that's not what Dabble is about – we are always looking for ways to raise the bar even higher. So, we will be backing up on Saturday for Saturday Racing!

When: 12-2pm, Saturday July 29, 2023

Who: Tommy "Poppins" Hughes and Dean Watling

Where: Banter channel

Why: Poppins is back from hosting the Dabble Day Live Stream to also hosting Saturday Racing – let's hope he still has his voice come the end of this stream! This week we have Dean Watling coming back into the action. As always there are so many races to cover on Saturday – and we will be getting through all the ones deemed important!

Have a look below at what you can expect from the great Dean Watling:

So, there you have it peeps! All the details you could ever need on all the Live Streams happening this week. We know you don’t like waiting, so in the meantime, why don’t you head on over to our Banter channel to pass the time before the first Live Stream of the week kicks off.