Dabble Live Streams – What’s on This Week
App10 Jul 2023

Dabble Live Streams – What’s on This Week July 10, 2023

Welcome one and all! Dabble’s Live Streams are a very important feature of our app, and mannn – there are a lot of things that go down. Anything can happen, we don’t call them Live Streams for nothing. Whether you know all about our Live Streams, or you’re a noob, this weekly article is for you.

We’ve got your guide to what’s on this week in the world of Live Streams. All the details you could ever need are here about each stream. And what’s even better? This is a weekly guide! Meaning we’ve totally got your back and will have your guide each and every week, so you’ll always know what’s happening.

So, without building the suspense for another single second, let’s see what’s on this week in the world of Live Streams:

Live Stream #1: Josh Jeans & Friends

What: Changing things up again this week – coz you know we love to keep you on your toes! First cab off the rank this week is Josh Jeans & Friends. And he will be live from the Dabble State of Origin meet up! Obviously, lots of NRL to be discussed and we can't wait to see what the great man has in store for us.

When: 7-8pm, Wednesday July 12, 2023

Who: Josh Jeans and all your favourite former NRL players!

Where: Banter channel

Why: It's the final game of the State of Origin for 2023 and while the Maroons have already wrapped up the series, there's still plenty to talk about. Wednesday night on Josh Jeans & Friends, we bring out our arsenal of former NRL stars, you are really going to be spoiled for choice. It's the perfect way to bring in Game 3 of the State of Origin!

Live Stream #2: Jake’s Take

What: Poor Jake, always moving around – but we're happy to bring you yet another Jake's Take, this week on a Thursday! And we know you're happy to. If you've never watched a Live Stream with Jake, then you are for sure missing out. What have you been doing all this time?

When: 7-8pm, Thursday July 13, 2023

Who: Jake Barker-Daish and Xavier Ellis

Where: Banter channel

Why: This week we have Xavier Ellis joining in on the fun on Thursday night. Things are going to get crazzzy, that's for sure! So, if you are someone who likes to have fun, then we've got your back. The talk is probably going to be all about racing, but with Jake, you can never be 100% sure 😂

Have a look below at some of the shenanigans that went down last week:

Live Stream #3: Friday Knock-Offs

What: We're getting ready for a massive weekend of footy, and what better way than having Josh back again for his second stream of the week! Footy holds a special place in a number of our hearts, and so does Friday – because it means it's almost the weekend. And you know what we do on the weekend? Watch the footy!

When: 12-1pm, Friday July 14, 2023

Who: Josh Jeans and Dane Swan

Where: Banter channel

Why: This week for your footy chats, we have the great Dane Swan joining. We're also sticking with the new midday time. So, when you're watching the stream on Friday, why don't you drop a message in the Banter channel, letting us know how much you love this new time!

Have a look below at some of the shenanigans that went down last week:

Live Stream #5: Saturday Racing

What: The mammoth effort of our content team comes to a close on Saturday with Saturday Racing. Saturday is arguably the best day of the week, and if you love your racing, like the team at Dabble does, then there's no arguing about it – Saturday is 1000% the best day of the week.

When: 12-2pm, Saturday July 15, 2023

Who: Tommy "Poppins" Hughes and The Cast Patrol

Where: Banter channel

Why: Don't we have a special treat for you on this wonderful Saturday Live Stream – not only do you get to see Poppins’ wonderful face, but you'll also get to see (and hear) from The Cast Patrol. Just when you didn't think it could get any better, we just lifted our game once again. You're welcome.

So, there you have it peeps! All the details you could ever need on all the Live Streams happening this week. We know you don’t like waiting, so in the meantime, why don’t you head on over to our Banter channel to pass the time before the first Live Stream of the week kicks off.