Dabble Live Streams – What’s on This Week April 17, 2023
App17 Apr 2023

Dabble Live Streams – What’s on This Week April 17, 2023

Welcome one and all! Dabble’s Live Streams are a very important feature of our app, and mannn – there are a lot of things that go down. Anything can happen, we don’t call them Live Streams for nothing. Whether you know all about our Live Streams, or you’re a noob, this weekly article is for you.

We’ve got your guide to what’s on this week in the world of Live Streams. All the details you could ever need are here about each stream. And what’s even better? This is a weekly guide! Meaning we’ve totally got your back and will have your guide each and every week, so you’ll always know what’s happening.

So, without building the suspense for another single second, let’s see what’s on this week in the world of Live Streams:

Live Stream #1: Jake’s Take

What: Just like clockwork, we kick off the week with Jake’s Take. Did you catch the stream last week? If you didn’t, you missed a cracker, thanks to special guest Mark “Spudd” Carroll. Literally had everyone is stitches, we had to get an ambo on stand-by.

When: 7-8pm, Tuesday April 18, 2023

Who: Jake Barker-Daish and Tony Adams (The Mole)

Where: Banter channel

Why: This week Jake is going to take things to the next level (if that is even possible) with Tony Adams, or you may know him as The Mole. More NRL chat is sure to be on the table this week, so if you’re keen to hear what is going on, Jake’s Take is the place to be.

Live Stream #2: Josh Jeans & Friends

What: What’s the cure for mid-week blues? A strong dose of Josh Jeans & Friends, of course! Sharing is caring at Dabble, and if you like sharing (and having a good time) then you can’t go wrong with Josh Jeans & Friends. So, come join us on Wednesday night as we dissect all the latest and greatest happenings.

When: 7-8pm, Wednesday April 19, 2023

Who: Josh Jeans and Rory Flanagan

Where: Banter channel

Why: Rory Flanagan is the friend that will be joining Josh for this week’s stream. There is so much to cover, we don’t think just the one hour will be enough, but alas – it is all we are going to get. But it’s better than nothing! Last week, Josh Jeans & Friends was poppin’! There were almost 800 messages sent, and Dabblers just couldn’t get enough.

Live Stream #3: OlanTekkers

What: OlanTekkers is here once again to get us ready for the week of sport. What exactly is going to happen? No one knows, but one thing is for sure – if you tune in on Thursday, you’ll know! The TikTok star is here to tell it like it is, and of course provide Dabblers with a few belly laughs.

When: 7-8pm, Thursday April 20, 2023

Who: OlanTekkers and Scott Sattler

Where: Banter channel

Why: This week it’s NRL central one again as OlanTekkers is joined by Scott Sattler. The former professional rugby league footballer will provide a unique insight to everything that is going on in the NRL right now, and more!

Live Stream #4: Friday Knock-Offs

What: It’s Friday! And what better way to celebrate then a Friday Knock-Offs stream. There’s a new guest each week that will join Josh Jeans in his quest to entertain viewers. Fan favourite Josh Jeans is back for his second Live Stream of the week, so be sure to catch him here before he takes a well-earned break!

When: 6-7pm, Friday April 21, 2023

Who: Josh Jeans and Heath Shaw

Where: Banter channel

Why: The dynamic duo are back at it again, and this time it’s for Friday Knock-Offs, what could possibly go wrong? Lord Heath Shaw and Josh Jeans are here to get you ready for the weekend in style. So put your dancing shoes on and get ready to party!

Live Stream #5: Saturday Racing

What: It’s been another busy week of Live Streams, and we plan to go out with a bang on Saturday with the final Live Stream of the week. We know you love racing, and we know you love Saturday – so it’s only understandable that you’ll love our stream Saturday Racing!

When: 2-5pm, Saturday April 22, 2023

Who: AngryDad, Tim O'Connor and Sam Hyland

Where: Banter channel

Why: Yep, we’ve got AngryDad back again for his second Saturday Racing stream in a row! Give the people what they want, we say! AngryDad is joined by Tim O’Connor and Sam Hyland. Last week Saturday Racing was the most viewed Live Stream, what heights can this stream get to this week?

So, there you have it peeps! All the details you could ever need on all the Live Streams happening this week. We know you don’t like waiting, so in the meantime, why don’t you head on over to our Banter channel to pass the time before the first live stream of the week kicks off.