Dabble Best of Banter - Working at Dabble
App23 Mar 2023

Working at Dabble

Yep, can confirm. As someone who has firsthand experience, we are all counting down the seconds until Monday, so we can go back to work! We know not everyone has lucked out like us, just like Dozer_316, who is complaining about Sunday evenings.

They know what's up, us Dabble employees are indeed pretty excited to start the working week. But what makes Dabble so amazing? We can't really put our finger on it. You know when you have this uncontrollable hatred towards someone, even though they've never done anything to you, and you have no idea why you hate them so much. Well, it's like the complete opposite of that.

We've all found the golden ticket and get to head off to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory (minus the part where the kids almost die – we all make it home every evening, promise!) every day. We get to swim in the chocolate river and sing with the Umpa Lumpas.

It's so much fun, it doesn't even feel like work. So, do we actually work? Yes, of course, but if it doesn't feel like work, is it actually work? That's just as important of a question as, if no one sees you eat an entire pizza, did it actually happen? Ahh yes, you can always trust us to write the hard-hitting articles, covering the topics that no other journalist dares to venture into.

Dabble is filled to the brim with amazingly unique people, and as High School Musical so eloquently says it, we're all in this together. We're not a regular bookie, we're a cool bookie, and we would never let Regina George personally victimise anyone.

We all get along like we are all middle schoolers. We all bake cakes filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone eats and is happy. But don't fret if you don't even go here, we feel you and this seems like the perfect time to mention, you too can feel all the good feels.

Here's us shamelessly plugging all our open jobs at Dabble. Find something suitable, yay for you, you're one step closer to being a part of the fun. Didn't find anything? Well hot damn, that's still cool (cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt) just shoot us through your CV and the detectives at Dabble 99 will investigate.